To give you an idea of how awesome the tournament entrants are, here is a listing of items that missed our cut:
“I Love My Mom” Tattoos |
#1 sign atop of Grace |
1988 National Championship |
3 day Weekends |
3OH!3 |
4th of July |
Adenosine Triphosphate |
American Cheese |
Angry Dragon |
Away football games when we win |
Back to the Future |
Backer Long Islands |
Bald Eagle |
Barbecues |
Baywatch |
Beach Volleyball |
Beating Commies |
Being a Fatty |
Blowing stuff up/explosions |
Blue/Gold Tailgating |
Bobbies (thanksgiving in a roll) |
Bonfires |
Breweries |
Buried treasure |
Cake |
Captain Planet |
Casual Fridays |
Cheesy Gordita Crunches |
Cookie Dough |
Corn Mazes |
Crazy Fireman |
Crossbows |
Das Boot |
Deer Hunting |
Deer Hunting |
Dingus Day |
Dinner Impossible |
DJ Drew |
Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge |
Dr. House |
Dread Pirate Roberts |
Drinking games |
dry humping |
Farts |
Feelin’ on yo booty |
Fire Sauce |
Free Food |
Fried food on a stick |
Friends’ Sisters |
Garbage Day |
Gas Miracle |
Gentle Humping, Not Sexual |
girthiness |
Goldschlager |
Greasy Bacon |
Grillz |
Guinness |
Hawaii |
Hawaiian Vacations |
Health Care Reform |
Hooters |
Itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikinis |
James Bond |
Jupiter |
Kegerators |
Kentucky Derby |
Kermit the Frog |
Leopard 2A6 (it's an awesome tank) |
Loving Fatties |
Making Fatties Pay |
Man vs. Wild |
Manti Te’o |
Marathons |
March Madness |
Modular furniture |
Moms |
monkeys throwing poo |
Mr. T |
Naps |
Naval rings on chicks |
Neil Patrick Harris |
Ninjas |
Not Wanting to be a Fattie |
Notre Dame Stadium |
Nuclear submarines |
Nunchuck skills |
Oreo Truffles |
Ozzie Guillen |
Pandora Internet Radio |
PlayStation |
Poloroid cameras |
Proper Urinal Etiquette |
Red Lobster |
Rich Rodriquez at Michigan |
Rowboats |
Sean Connery |
Sexual Healing |
Sexy/Slutty _____ Costumes |
Shamrocks |
Shutting down the band |
Sleeper Holds |
Snowball fights |
Squirrel Fishing |
State Fairs |
Stealth Bombers/Fighters |
Steamrollers/Anvils |
Super Bowl Parties |
Swimming with dolphins |
Sylvester Stallone |
Tax Refunds |
Thanksgiving |
The Bad Touch |
The Black Eyed Peas |
The Five Second Rule |
The Hamburgler |
The Landing |
The Moon (assuming it’s made of cheese) |
The other side of the pillow |
The Smell of Napalm in the Morning |
The Summer Olympics |
The time when Ian made out with Bill |
The US Marine Core |
The walk of shame |
Time Travel |
Tree forts |
Turning 21 |
USC scandal |
Waking up at noon |
Warm Krispy Kremes |
Wood n’ Caulk |
XBox |
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